Cox Communications 

Since joining the team in 2014, I've worked on a lot of projects. Like, a lot-a-lot. Everything from TV, radio, print, social/OLV to complete revamps of .com. Here are just a few of the things I've helped create along the way.  

Slip ‘n Slide

Your internet (and furniture) should work on day 1 of your move. It’d be silly if it didn’t.


Ever find out something new about your parent or best friend and wonder what else you’ve been in the dark about all these years? Same goes for learning new things about the Contour Voice Remote you’ve had forever.

^^Side note: this was probably my favorite casting sesh ever.

Royal Welcome

You can get pretty darn cute with home automation these days.

Fun fact: the tune in this spot is called “Rule Britannia.” And I only know that because I had to whistle it to just about every ear in our office to figure out the name so we could get the right track. Even Shazam let me down.


College Problems

Higher education is tough enough without having to worry about slow Internet. That's the basis of this fun music video which became an anthem to college kids dealing with wifi woes. 


People brag on social media. But 1 Gig Internet is so blistering fast, it actually makes sense to boast about it online. We tapped into the popularity of #humblebrag and had a lot of fun writing these. Huge Bonus: getting to work with amazing Chicago comics as our talent.

Live'n Large Pre-roll - We wanted to keep people's attention beyond the 'Skip' button with some literal tension. 

Live'n Large - This flowing carousel does a nice job of carrying the viewer through the experience of being rich in entertainment. 



(Click through for more.)

Gifs and goofs

Probably my crowning creative achievement has been giving the Internet this reaction GIF.

Fun fact: That’s Steve from Stranger Things (pre-Stranger Things)